July 22nd, 2004
Looks like I won’t have any time to update much beyond my previous one, but I felt the need to shout out a few things before heading to San Diego Comic-Con:
- Two people came to ConnectiCon with the intent of stopping by and saying hi to myself. Unfortunately, I wasn’t around when the second person tried to stop by. To whoever that person was, I apologize muchly! I really want to make it up to you! If you didn’t get a copy of the ConnectiCon-exclusive comic flier, I’ll gladly send you a copy.
- The official ConnectiCon 2004 Note Card Fusion Comic is up and about! If you don’t like ninjas, you can blame this one on Shawn.
- Speaking of Señor Handyside, he and I are now sworn enemies. The details as to how this came about are unclear, but the fact remains that we are officially rivals, and must act as such. Hey Shawn, I heard tell you suck hard at Smash Bros., so I went and played you, and totally schooled you in the playing of Smash Bros.! You never even saw me coming, what with your elderliness slowing you down to near-molasses speeds!
Nothing else of extreme import comes to mind, so I’ll see you all on Monday, when the next Zelda Comic is released! Booyah Grandma!
This entry was posted on Thursday, July 22nd, 2004 at 2:06 pm and is filed under News.
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